Tressurge Natural Hair Growth Benefits

Tressurge you guys and the reason you haven't seen it until now is because I didn't want to give anything away and I also thought it would be cool to show you guys how I did it so I'm going to be recreating the hairstyles on myself I've got a lot of questions about it a lot of people that want to wear their hair down or half up when they're getting married and I thought let's talk through it and the pros and cons and how to do it and all the stuff so we have a lot of ground to cover in this video I am super different excited about it I am so grateful again to staff for filming with me and letting me be part of the big day and I think you guys are gonna love it I do want to tell you that we have a side camera angle for the trial footage because we use two camera angles and I lost one of them but it's still you get the whole idea you still get to get the whole process it's fine I just wanted to shout out that's what's going on there okay okay let's get into it so our actual consultation started months before the actual trial we were sending pictures back and forth we were talking and texting and because all the images that we were sending back and forth were kind of following the same vein I thought I had a really good idea of what stuff wanted going into it but obviously I wanted to hear her thoughts I definitely want to have my hair partly down okay how do 

Tressurge Hair you picture looking in the front I don't know okay that's where I come in we've got whimsy we've got effortless I know you've been growing your hair out because you know you have the wedding coming up yeah would you want to add in some links with extensions would you want to play around with that I think that we could and should to keep from actually recreating the sixties look that we did a couple years ago I put her extensions in and cut them to length and then curled them before we got started and then it was time for our first hairstyle now Sofia and I had been scouring the internet for the perfect circle --it I cannot express to you how many we send back and forth to each other so once everything was curled we had a few to try on here's option number one we've got it as kind of a tear up oh wow I really like this weirdly this tear is growing on me yeah I think I like it because it's not very high this one could be worth me keeping around oh that's cute I think I like the other way more though I think so too but you 
